Recently, a couple of recurring themes in individual therapy sessions have suggested therapy groups. The themes are finding relationships and grieving. It runs the gamut from people in their 40s and up to people in their 70s to 90s. Some have lost a spouse and that is why they are seeking companionship, as well as the presenting issue for individual therapy. Others have not found a lasting, healthy long term relationship. 90% are female.
Would you attend a group on relationships that looked–defining healthy relationships, red flags for unhealthy relationships, dating in this new online era, and offered support for dating? Would a group where you had tasks to accomplish to help you feel more comfortable in the dating realm be for you? At this time, it would be women only.
The second group would be dealing primarily with grief due to death (partner, family member, or spouse). We would discuss the grieving process and how to navigate the stages of grief. We would also discuss the challenges of life without that long term partner.
For some, these sessions would be covered by insurance. For others, it would be a nominal fee for a package of 8 sessions. Tell me if you are in the Bradenton or Sarasota, FL area and would be interested. Feel free to also post questions about group therapy or suggestions for other therapy groups of interest.